Heather Sabnis and James B Kenworthy (2008) Nether Mills Farm, Crathes, Banchory,
Discovery and Excavation Scotland, New Series, Vol 9, page 16.
Heather M Sabnis and James B Kenworthy (2009) Nether Mills East,
Discovery and Excavation Scotland, New Series, Vol 10, page 16.
Heather M Sabnis (2011) Milton Cottage/Nether MIlls West,
Discovery and Excavation Scotland, New series Vol 12, page 12.
(The last paragraph of the Milton Cottage account refers to the whole 5-field site; I
hadn’t realised that the two different areas of the Crathes site would be published in
alphabetical order.)
Heather M. Sabnis (2012) Nether Mills West,
Discovery and Excavation Scotland, New Series, Vol 13, page 14.
A colour photo of the three wide based triangles is on the front cover.
Heather Sabnis (2016) Contribution in Archaeological Excavations at Nethermills
Farm, Deeside 1978-1981 Caroline Wickham-Jones et al.
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquities of Scotland, 147, pages 7-55.
Uncovering one of the largest Mesolithic Sites in the UK